It was an incredible privilege to observe the Longest Night with you this year. The Public, as well as the streets of Steinbach, were abuzz as you put one foot in front of the other from sunset to sunrise.
What made this more than “just a run” were your stories of struggle and endurance, both personal and of those you hold dear. Whether you expressed it or kept it to yourself, thank you for letting us as a community share in your story for the night.
As the dust settles (or more accurately, the mud and dirt gets scrubbed from the floor of The Public), we’re tallying nearly 200 participants, and over $6000 we will be able to give to Southeast Cancer Support Services to fund their work. Thank you for your generosity.
A huge thanks to our sponsors who helped make this event a reality, volunteers who welcomed you and kept the soup warm, The Public for their hospitality, and SCSS for letting us partner in their work this year.
Till the sun rises,
Brent and the Longest Night Run crew